Monday, 2 November 2009

Twitter Apps - Seesmic and echofon

I currently have 3 twitter apps on my desktop: echofon (a Firefox add-on) which is great - simple and effective if you're into the "twitterstream" and not too worried about missing anything, while still providing effective monitoring of your followings tweets, RTs and DMs ; TweetDeck, which I'm currently using to manage my twitter identities to follow groups/cohorts of tweets; and now I'm also trying out Seesmic Desktop.

Originally released as "Twhirl", I've been using Seesmic Desktop application for a couple of weeks, and think it will be great for "intermediate" users who may have a couple of Twitter identities, but who don't need the "power user" features that TweetDeck provides, to manage multiple social media service accounts at Twitter, Myspace and Facebook.

And the folks over at Seesmic seem very proactive regarding user ideas and feedback.  (They also have an iPhone app and Web In-broswer service on the go).

Most of the ideas I'd like for Seesmic Desktop, that aren't already included, are under consideration; like upload and random schedule of multiple tweets (Oh - yes please!), UI customisation and a few other minor features (like repeat/recently used #hashtags).

My favourite feature so far, is the "sent' column, where all of my twitter accounts most recent tweets and DMs appear.  Great if you don't use DM a lot, but tweet heaps, and want to keep track of your more recent tweets at a glance.  Least favourite; getting followers who don't tweet much onto custom userlists.  It's a bit cumbersome at the moment, but looks like they're working on it.

Only potential downside I see, is inclusion of too many suggestions/requests, and bogging it down too much.

But overall, pretty happy so far.  So if you're looking for a new desktop Twitter app that can manange your multiple Twitter IDs and (presumably) Facebook accounts, then check out Seesmic Desktop.

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